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I can't say for sure that it directly led to jobs, but my website has been brought up in a positive light during the recruitment process more than a few times.

Because I write about technical things a lot, it's often been viewed as "evidence" that I'm an experienced technical writer as well as an engineer.

But, it (and my github account) have also been flagged as "risks" by a recruitment agency though: I can be a bit sweary at times and they felt that having a project called F*ckAMP might put off potential employers. No-one else has cared though.

But, to echo the advice that others are giving you - the "power" of my blog lies more in it being stuff that I want to write, rather than stuff that I'm writing because I think that it'll help my career.

Deciding what to write about can be hard, and sometimes you'll find you hit a block and don't write about anything at all. Those are both fine, just write about stuff when you want to and don't pressure yourself to write "just because".

> they felt that having a project called F*ckAMP might put off potential employers.

Do you really want to work with an employer who cares about this? Works both ways

Yep, that's exactly my view on it.

Wait, your telling me I should be worried about my “jizztastic” repo on GitHub?

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