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Regex one stands out as a negative example here. Why does it have to be built-in instead of exposing a str -> bool filter lambda?

How does one pass a lambda to a CLI tool? Outside of using a regex or equivalent pattern syntax, I'm struggling to understand what you are proposing here.

This is in a context of file watching library. Although I'm not sure cargo-watch supports or even needs to support regex.

Now you need a general purpose embedded language interpreter to express your filter lambda? I'm not sure you've really made anything simpler.

I don't see why you want an embedded interpreter for this. Can you explain?

If you give a lambda to cargo-watch instead of a regexp, it has to be evaluated. Hence interpreter.

Why would you evaluate it using an interpreter? Since you are using it in the context of a rust lambda you compile it. You just have a rust file that calls cargo-watch as a library. Crafting an interpreter seems like an incredibly bad idea.

But now you have to know at compile time what you're watching, which is not what cargo-watch or any of the similar commands like entr do.

Considering you have a rust file and the dependency why wouldn't you compile it? It's not like rustc is not available when you are using cargo-watch.

Anyway, doing all that just so you don't have to write a regexp has all the hallmarks of overkill. Keep it simple.

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