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Why do you care how many lines of code the dependencies are? Compile time? Lack of disk space?

Think of the problem as a bill of materials. Knowing the origin and that all the components of a part are fit for purpose is important for some applications.

If I am making a small greenhouse i can buy steel profiles and not care about what steel are they from. If I am building a house I actually want a specific standardized profile because my structure's calculations rely on that. My house will collapse if they dont. If I am building a jet engine part I want a specific alloy and all the component metals and foundry details, and will reject if the provenance is not known or suitable[1].

If i am doing my own small script for personal purposes I dont care much about packaging and libraries, just that it accomplishes my immediate task on my environment. If I have a small tetris application I also dont care much about libraries, or their reliability. If I have a business selling my application and I am liable for its performance and security I damn sure want to know all about my potential liabilities and mitigate them.

[1] https://www.usatoday.com/story/travel/airline-news/2024/06/1...

Security and maintenance. That's what's so compelling about Go. The std lib is not a pleasure to use. Or esp. fast and featureful. But you can rely on it. You don't depend on 1000 strangers on the internet that might have abandoned their Rust crate for 3 years and nobody noticed.

Some of us like to understand what's happening in the software we work on, and don't appreciate unnecessary complexity or unknown paths in the codebase that come through third party transitive dependencies.

Some of us have licensing restrictions we have to adhere to.

Some of us are very concerned about security and the potential problems of unaudited or unmoderated code that comes in through a long dependency chain.

Hard learned lessons through years of dealing with this kind of thing: good software projects try to minimize the size of their impact crater.

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