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His reputation wasn't exactly sterling before: https://pearsonified.com/truth-about-thesis-com

Earlier this year, Matt chased a popular Tumblr user he banned under Tumblr's weirdly transphobic TOS to Twitter to harass her publicly. He immediately took a "sabbatical" from Tumblr after this.


Please point out where Tumblr’s TOS is “weirdly transphobic”. Users who post pornography are banned regardless of gender identity.

Matt’s sabbatical from Automattic was already underway when this incident occurred.

Disclaimer: I work for Automattic but I am speaking personally.

are all of you called Matt over there?

That’s why it’s called AutoMATTic

Wait, is Automattic really called that because Matt Mullenweg founded Automattic? I never realized that

Odd that user got singled out, it seems pretty average for Tumblr

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