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With fairness, I believe you can absolutely call marketing-influencers like Mark Gurman and MKBHD bad reviewers. None of them ever really express original thoughts - there's no "oh Apple messed up" admission or meaningful criticism of their business choices. They are absolute and documented yes-men that exist almost entirely to kiss up to FAANG businesses and drive the tech market whether it's grasping at life or succeeding to the utmost.

I guess that's what you should expect, though. People don't want reviewers that detract from the hardware they own, they want blinded optimists who will say anything is good for you.

That’s not the impression I get from his iPhone 16/Pro review: https://youtu.be/MRtg6A1f2Ko

His summary is don’t buy unless your phone is on its last legs or older than the 13. Also knocks the 60hz screen on the 16.

> People don't want reviewers that detract from the hardware they own, they want blinded optimists who will say anything is good for you.

Frankly, I’m tired of people being so pessimistic. For instance Star Wars Outlaws was a lot of fun but the video gaming YouTube community was down on it before it even launched. Some people have unrealistic expectations.

> Frankly, I’m tired of people being so pessimistic. For instance Star Wars Outlaws

I've heard people who've never played a Bethesda game before tell me that Starfield was a lot of fun. That didn't save it from being a commercial failure because people are tired of cooker-cutter formulaic open-world games though. You can extend this rationale of pessimism to a lot of things, including smartphone hardware and software deficiency.

Play whatever you like, but don't act shocked when the industry's most notoriously lazy studio doesn't receive critical acclaim for a licensed IP featuring characters nobody can recognize in a faux-stealth gameplay loop that's been recycled since Assassin's Creed III. Saying you're tired of pessimism towards Ubisoft is like saying Facebook deserves softer criticism because some people like the Instagram redesign.

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