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> 2. Walking over to someone and having a 15 minute conversation is less disrupting to the day than tossing a mention into the void and then having responses dribble in over the next hour and a half.

I fucking hate this, it's less disrupting for you but the person you asked might be like me and need another 15-30 min to get back into the same focus state they were before your question came through.

If you think it's hard to go do something else while you are waiting for a response to not lose context the same applies to the other side, it can be hard to get back into the context they were pulled from.

At least with async communication I can reply when I get unfocused or finish what I was working on, even just saying "sorry, can't answer you right now" when in a state of deep focus takes me out of that state...

It's extremely exhausting being the person who gets asked multiple times a day about things outside of the current context, switching them to answer your inquiries is not effortless, it just looks that way to you.

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