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I have always worked much more remotely.

While YouTube binging days happen, in general there's a higher expectations for results and more pressure.

At the office you could do 2000 breaks for coffee and smoke and it was more relaxed. If I was missing at my desk people would assume I was in a meeting or had some call or was on a break.

But online? Don't answer someone in 30/40 minutes and there was an instant assumption you were not working.

I don't believe that remote working is for everyone, it's tough, and I believe that many are less productive (countless coworkers I could see playing videogames on discord during the day). They pay the price at some point, but I don't judge.

But for many others the reality is tougher than office days.

Especially the first 18 months after COVID hit were hell for me.

That's not even counting the mental toll of isolation and lower socialization. Again, good remote work is not for everyone and I understand companies that oppose it.

But I don't share any view implying that it's less productive or less stressful, in many many ways it isn't.

Spot on. Things are actually MUCH more relaxed in the office, which is why some people don't want it (e.g. people with caregiving responsibility). Everyone I know with children 0-10 wishes there was some more flexibility in scheduling. RTO just steals that from you. It has nothing to do with the amount of work.

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