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Can't speak to your specific circumstances, but often bike lanes are just terrible. They allow cars to park in them, or they are too narrow, or they are blocked by construction, etc.

In general far less consideration is given to the blocking of a bicycle lane than a car lane, so cyclists are often disinclined to use them. They also often just... end, at places like intersections (so it's a good idea for the cyclist to occupy a regular lane or somesuch ahead of time).

I guess the point is that you often don't know all of the reasons someone might be riding in a specific way, and it's worth giving the benefit of the doubt.

> I guess the point is that you often don't know all of the reasons someone might be riding in a specific way, and it's worth giving the benefit of the doubt.

What would you think of a car wandering randomly into other lanes?

If there were frequent boulders and rapidly moving aggressive bears in their intended lane, then I would give them a pass for dodging.

Want cyclists to stick to the cycle lane? Make it safe for us to do so. Anyhow, it’s perfectly legal to cycle in the car lanes.

The bike lanes around here are wide and clear. Nothing unsafe. They still regularly veer into the car lane.

> it’s perfectly legal to cycle in the car lanes

Reminds me of a phrase: "don't be right, dead right".

Cars have no trouble seeing bicycles that are in front of them.

Which is why I don't like to be in the bicycle lane at a crossing. Inevitably someone will turn left without seeing me there.

Here in GA it happens all the time. LoC with the driver staring at a screen or off into space deep in a conversation. It is mandatory for me to drive within the lane because if for instance there is a 2' shoulder with a rumble strip I'll get a full size semi driving 55 mph right on that right white line within an inch or two of me. Ordinarily nice people get very aggressive in their gigantic killing cages.

That would clearly be much worse because a car is much more deadly.

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