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Not a dev, but someone who went through a relatively shitty process implemented by a SaaS company at my first job.

The general idea was enshitification once new subscribers dried up. We auto renewed everyone that we could into a drastically different, and more expensive, pay structure then forced them to call if they wanted cancel.

I knew it was scummy at the time (circa 2012), and now wish I had at least SAID something. As a fresh college grad still, I needed the job and stability.

In an ideal world, we would empower workers to stand up for what is right, but every step of the system is designed to take that away from us. Having a moral choice is a luxury in today's workforce.

> As a fresh college grad still, I needed the job and stability.

This is why we have student debt. It keeps employees compliant and subservient.

No I don't think there is a cabal of industry conspiring to achieve this. But, with thousands of little nudges from business this is where we ended up.

I know sales leaders who intentionally encourage their sales people to get into financial commitments (e.g. buy that bigger house, a new sports car). This is all so that the seller is desperate and will work crazy hours to ensure they get their commissions and can pay these financial burdens.

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