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People bike in rain and snow.

everything is relative. biking in vienna in winter isn't similar at all to biking in winnipeg in the winter.

> everything is relative. biking in vienna in winter isn't similar at all to biking in winnipeg in the winter.

Perfect is the enemy of the good: just because you can't cycle everyday, twelve months of the year, doesn't mean you shouldn't perhaps cycle for 6/8/10 months of the years when it is "possible".

But on the topic of locations, how about Finland? "Why Canadians Can't Bike in the Winter (but Finnish people can)":

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU

Or a fellow in Calgary:

* https://www.youtube.com/@Shifter_Cycling

Or a couple that have live(d) in Ottawa and Montreal:

* https://www.youtube.com/@OhTheUrbanity/search?query=winter

Also look at the larger conversation of one of the most car-centric countries, the US: how many folks live in climate zones (say) 1 to 4:

* https://basc.pnnl.gov/images/iecc-climate-zone-map

What does "winter" mean there?

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