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JMC is indeed a valuable tool, though what you see in any java profiler is to be taken with a grain of salt. The string parsing and hash lookups are present in most of the implementations, yet some of them are up to 10 times faster than the DataInputStream + BufferedInputStream code.

It doesn't seem like it can be true that 90% of the time is spent in string parsing and hash lookups if the same operation takes 10% of the time when reading from a filechannel and bytebuffer.

Aren't the versions that take 10% of the time only reading each city name once, and then doing an array lookup rather than a hashmap lookup?

Nope, see for example "Custom 1":

  var buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(4096);
  try (var fc = (FileChannel) Files.newByteChannel(tempFile, 


    for (int i = 0; i < records; i++) {

        if (buffer.remaining() < 32) {

        int len = buffer.get();
        byte[] cityBytes = new byte[len];
        String city = new String(cityBytes);
        int temperature = buffer.getShort();

        stats.computeIfAbsent(city, k -> new ResultsObserver())
             .observe(temperature / 100.);

My bad - I got confused as the original DIS+BIS took ~60s on my machine. I reproducing the Custom 1 implementation locally (before seeing your repo) and it took ~48s on the same machine. JFR (which you honestly can trust most of the time) says that the HashMap lookup now is ~50% of the time and the String constructor call being ~35%.

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