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Flappy Bird for Android, only C, under 100KB (github.com/vadimboev)
50 points by lostmsu 5 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Tangentially related, I once wrote a literature review on why people play Flappy Bird. I was a graduate student in game studies at the time. Ultimately, I never pursued the academic route, just sharing it for fun.

For the curious minds, here it is [1].

[1] http://www.fdg2015.org/papers/fdg2015_paper_60.pdf

Less than 4k loc.

   457 android_native_app_glue.c
   360 audio.c
   802 game.c
   201 init.c
    93 main.c
    39 mouse.c
    38 shaders.c
   229 texture.c
  1377 upng.c
    27 utils.c
  3623 total

Really cool! I just love seeing Android apps that weight less than a 1MB and run anywhere, even on your old HTC.


Also an assessment of speed gains would be nice.

That's amazing! I wish there was something like rawdrawandroid for Rust.

Same, would like to see the same but implemented in Rust

"For Android" implies Java is usable, and bytecode can be very dense, so IMHO this could be even smaller.

Great work! Good to see what only it takes to run on Android! On the other hand it also shows how much comes "for free" or made easier by using the provided sdks. For example volume control doesn't work while running this. Also resuming the game after switching away. Maybe that's relatively easy to save and restore state, though.

Could this technique, using rawdrawandroid to write C applications for Android, also use raylib (and other C frameworks)?

And maybe could this developing system be used through Termux, to have a C development environment on Android for Android?

i realised recently, there is a correlation between the file size of a game and how likely i am to enjoy it.

the smaller the file size the more likely i am to enjoy it. and the opposite is true.

i think part of it is time investment. having less time. i dont see much value in 60gb of 4k graphics textures.

pac man on the atari or snes is maybe less than 100kb, while modern pac man could be easily 10gb or more. same for tetris or any game with the same gameplay that hasn't changed much.

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