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> WordPress is a content management system, and the content is sacred. Every change you make to every page, every post, is tracked in a revision system

I'm not sure I see how the absence of a revision tracking system rises to a violation of sacred principles.

The revision system is not (not is it claimed to be) a sacred principle of life, morality, or society at large. It's a core tenet of WordPress.

According to whom? I’ve developed and run Wordpress sites for nearly 15 years and never enabled revisions on a single one.

This whole line of thinking—one person defining the “core tenet” or whatever—seems directly contrary to the ethos of open source. If Matt doesn’t think people should be able to turn off revisions, he should put that in the license. Otherwise, users can do what they want and open source leaders should celebrate that.

Not to mention I'm skeptical the majority of WPEngine sites are blogs, particularly with prices starting at $240 a year.

Rather they're company marketing sites. That's certainly what I used WPEngine for, and the service was well made, particularly their ability to test WP updates in staging.

You can also just turn it on by emailing support...

Are my downvoters here drafting posts that have greater than 5 revisions? Or?

You can turn on an extremely limited version. Did you read the post?

I did read the post, yes. Why does everyone keep asking everyone that?

Because they don't read the HN guidelines: "Please don't comment on whether someone read an article. "Did you even read the article? It mentions that" can be shortened to "The article mentions that"" - https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

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