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US House of Representatives adopts baseline policy for AI use (nextgov.com)
19 points by WaitWaitWha 4 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Article doesn't say much, but links to an official "fact sheet", with few facts.[1] This references what's supposed to be the actual policy, "House Information Technology Policy 8", or "HITPOL 8". Trying to find that. The cao.house.gov site has search, but the only HITPOL document is that fact sheet. "HITPOL 8" has no hits in Google other than that "fact sheet".

"The new House AI Policy is just beginning." says the fact sheet.

Looks like there isn't a policy, just a plan to develop one.

[1] https://cao.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/cao.house.gov/files...

I thought I'd be clever, find HITPOL 7, and then increment the number in the URL I type into the browser (colloquially, this is sometimes referred to as "doing a cybercrime").

I found a page that contained a link to a "House Information Technology Policy for Official Domain Names," however that link is dead.

Some more searching hints at the existence of a "House IT Policy 007.0 – Bulk Email List Management," which is mentioned in the Members' Congressional Handbook[0]. Sadly, the elusive HITPOL 7 is not linked from the handbook and neither DDG nor Google seem to index said document.

[0]: https://cha.house.gov/members-congressional-handbook

a concept of a policy, I guess

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