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It's because the ones in trouble are right wing extremists. He's extremely consistent in his support and decisions on this.

Not true. He tried hard to protect left wing and left wing extremist free speech too.

"India calls X a 'habitual non-compliant platform'"


He got fined by India and lost money for trying to protect anti-right wing free speech.

> He tried hard to protect left wing and left wing extremist free speech too.

Can you give concrete examples of this?

Modi tried to censor left wingers' speech, Twitter refused and sued the Indian government. It's in the linked BBC article.

"The instances cited by the government took place before X was acquired by billionaire Elon Musk in 2022. Under Musk's leadership, the company has complied with takedown orders."

Twitter refused pre-Musk, X doesn't seem to have a problem doing what Modi says as far as I can tell.

No, the Twitter lawsuit continued under Musk. The court fine was under Musk.

I love how you yourself haven’t even read the article. Your timing is all wrong here and your larger point is laughably wrong.

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