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Applied Mathematical Programming (web.mit.edu)
61 points by ibobev 4 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

This is from 1977. I suppose it's ok for fundamentals but you can probably do better going with a modern text like

  Model Building in Mathematical Programming by H. Paul Williams (5th Edition)

convex optimization by boyd vandenberghe should be mentioned https://web.stanford.edu/~boyd/cvxbook/

Has this been updated since 1977? Because the field and tools and even the view points have changed a ton.

This was posted as a comment on a thread about a new Google tool for LP [0]. It was in response to someone asking for resources on learning linear programming for business applications. It looks like the examples have been solved using Excel, and it's for business students at MIT. Definitely not cutting edge.

The original posting is about new tools and algorithms, with some more analysis. Well beyond my background from undergrad courses in LP and OR, but probably more relevant and insightful to you.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41609670

The tools probably have changed but the fundamental language is the same. The same way that you need to wire your brain to see how a problem can be casted as a dynamic programming one, you also need to learn how to formulate problems as integer/linear programming ones.

For example all of the "hard" leetcode problems can be casted as math programming ones. But the interviewers will not appreciate this solution approach lol.

Once you conquer the logic/language then learning the tools is the easy part.

> But the interviewers will not appreciate this solution approach lol.

I once witnessed a programmer with a PhD in Maths find closed form formulas for a lot of questions where it was expected to write some code with loops building/accumulating a result. As a simple example, to explain what was going on, if the question would be "calculate the 100th fibonacci number", she would just use Binet's formula to do so (as opposed to using a loop). I was rather impressed how often that happened.

TBF Binet's formula is astonishing

Based on the code output in the book, it is old. But the book seems pretty easy to follow even if you are not strong in math. Hopefully, in the near future I will be able to pass a book like this to an LLM and have it enrich it with code examples in a programming language I am familiar with.

Do you have a recommendation for a modern text?

Can you share an example of change you are referring to? The topics looks on this book look pedagogical.

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