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Agree but I want to see this enforced not just on kids that walk into a school and opens fire. I want it enforced in large urban areas. Any minor that opens fire, their parents need to be arrested. The law is currently only being applied to kids that get their hands on so called assault rifles. It needs to be applied to handguns in urban areas that comprise the majority of shootings by minors.

I only support this if the minor is determined to have obtained the weapon from a parent that was negligent in preventing access to that weapon. E.g. when a parent fails to lock the weapons in a safe or purchases weapons for the child. I do not support this in instances where the minor unknowingly gets access to weapons behind the parent's back (illegally through telegram for example or through their friends).

As someone with a troubled teen and a witness to numerous other parents dealing with troubled teens, it's virtually impossible to prevent them from doing whatever they want these days unless you literally lock them up 24/7. Even then they will weaponize reporting you to CPS with lies about abuse. Many of these kids are growing up in perfectly decent homes and taught well by their parents, but they get influenced by their peers to cause trouble.

If your kid is that problematic and wants to get CPS involved then throw them to CPS and let them ruin their lives. You clearly failed earlier on and can’t course correct any further.

You should’ve been more involved earlier on if your kid is getting involved in gang violence, getting weapons, and is going to be out there shooting people. You failed big time.

A lot of these kids don’t grow up in good homes - the parents are negligent and incompetent. They play dumb just like you are doing.

> Children are not people, they are an extension of their parents, and bad children means bad parents.

Provide evidence for your claims, please. Having troubled children is bad enough without having to deal with this type of ignorance.

Yes, anytime a parent is directly responsible or deliberately negligent and it leads to deaths, whether school or urban area. I mentioned mass shooting because that is the most visible instance where it has been applied so far. Let's not make it about politics (sigh, maybe I'm hoping for too much)

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