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Using YouTube to steal your files (lyra.horse)
101 points by breakingcups 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

Would like to highlight that this webpage, interactive 'screenshots' and all, is 31kb

Ah I see, it makes sense now that they aren't screenshots, and are instead interactive HTML/CSS/JS(?) bits.

Was suspicious of how high quality the screenshots were in mobile, but didn't bother to click on them. Neat!

No JS on the page, only HTML/CSS :)

Weird to see so little traction on this novel attack.

Honestly, considering this allows anyone to access anyone else's private drive files, I would have expected the payout to be much higher

You have to trick someone into opening your presentation and clicking a specific button, that’s not something a random person knowing my email could easily do. It’s a problem but I wouldn’t exactly say it allows anyone to access anyone else’s private drive files.

My company IT sec person sent a presentation and asked everybody to follow a link inside the slide to go to the training website. So never underestimate a attack vector, also security is just a joke.

One click is all it takes. That’s the lowest on the totem pole of social engineering.

It is the sort of direct targeted attack one might expect a motivated adversary to undertake.

And perhaps those who are cultivating botnets or other widespread attacks.

A random person knowing your email isn't totally random though. a normal person's email address is enough to track down some known associates. Spoof the email as coming from a business partner as the new deck for a side hustle, and the target has been phished. Multiply across every email leaked in recent mega leaks and it's a good thing it was patched!

One major reason I either only watch Youtube on no account or dedicated Youtube Google account.

This specific security vulnerability was the main reason you watched Youtube on a dedicated account?

I'm not sure how that'd save you here unless you go out of your way to block the youtube domain entirely.

this is awesome! loved the read

How can you tell if your root folder has been shared this way? Doesn't look like the root folder's sharing settings are accessible via the normal UI.

You cannot share your Root folder, I just threw it in there as a fun bit of unrelated trivia about Drive :). If you attempt to share it (you can try!) you'll just get an error.

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