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Open-Source CLI tool to inspect databases fast (github.com/peepdb-dev)
30 points by maverick98 6 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Cool tool, are you planning to support also other kind of DBs that are NoSQL such as MongoDB or Redis? That would be really interesting too.

yeah its planned for the next release!

How does this compare to Harlequin?

Cool approach!

This tool appeals to me as someone who is already familiar to pgcli, psql, mysql, etc. Typing every time SELECT * FROM… annoys me, too.

I’d prefer to already evaluate the tool in the first or second paragraph. If you could move the readme section with the most eye opening and time saving commands right after the video, that would be great.

Thanks for making and sharing this tool.

Hello thanks a lot for the kind words! I will make note to fix the README for sure and add some examples too, it is an open issue

While working on other projects, I found myself always having to connect and use SELECT * to see dummy entries or new users. I favored the CLI for monitoring my database entries, especially because I was testing and just adding dummy users + our first normal users in projects. So it became a bit tiring always having to connect to postgres, mysql and give select * queries from the CLI.

Support via UI, will also be something interesting.How did you come up with this idea in general(I am curious)?

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