> For my particular use case, the charting aspect left a few things to be desired - once I grouped campaign donations by contributor, I could only see the first 10 rows in the AI response, with no option to expand the output.
Insert it as a table on the page (you should see a button), it will then print the whole table result from that query into the spreadsheet. Also, you can check the SQL first and validate it, then print to table after that.
Also keep an eye out on the limit - we default to 10,000 to keep it snappy but if you want to make it larger its a click away. The "summarize table" button should auto limit to 1B+ rows.
Insert it as a table on the page (you should see a button), it will then print the whole table result from that query into the spreadsheet. Also, you can check the SQL first and validate it, then print to table after that.
Try a few million rows and see what happens!