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> In my experience, anything XML-related seems to be the product of simplicity-hating architecture astronauts with zero consideration for efficiency, possibly as a way of justifying their existence and continued employment.

I am very confused by people who have emotional reactions to technologies. XML has a number of capabilities that are very difficult to represent in other documents without creating an unreadable mess. XML is more than just the worst SOAP api you've used.

> I am very confused by people who have emotional reactions to technologies.

Given the phrasing ("simplicity-hating architecture astronauts"), I suspect they're having an emotional reaction to a colleague who, at some point, advocated for their team's use of XML. Which I honestly think is slightly justified if their colleague's advocacy was thoughtless or otherwise unreasonable. Maybe JSON would actually work better for what they were doing. Of course, that said, I also say it's "slightly" justified because good ol' XML did nothing wrong.

......such as?

Xml is a hierarchical days structure that has less data hinting to parsers /serializes than json.

Please don't say namespaces. Broke xpath and other parsing techs. Attrs vs tags? Cdata? Any one remember ibm web services being all cdata tags?

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