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Generating arbitrarily many values of the minimum rank is very easy for an attacker. Since the rank is geometrically distributed with parameter p = 1 - 1/k and k ≥ 2, randomly sampling a value will give you one of minimum rank with probability p ≥ 1/2 and it only gets easier for larger k.

If you want to break that up with dummy elements, you now have the problem of choosing those dummies in a history-independent manner efficiently.

But I think their recursive construction with G-trees of G-trees of ... might work if nodes with too many elements are stored as G-trees with a different, independent rank function (e.g. using a hash function with different salt). Producing many nodes with the same ranks should then get exponentially harder as the number of independent rank functions increases.

Yes this exactly. Another really simple way to do this, is to use alternating leading and trailing zero counts in the hash in your nested G-trees. Simple, and pretty effective.

Hmmm... if you need to go deeper (because 1/4 of all hashes have zero leading zeros and zero trailing zeros), you can generalize this by converting the hash into its run-length encoding to get a sequence of rank functions where finding values with the same rank for all rank functions is equivalent to finding hash collisions. Very nice.

Whoah, I totally hadn't taken the thought experiment this far. This is fantastic! I'd like to explore this further, interested in a quick research chat/sync some time? My email is linked from the paper.

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