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Show HN: I Built a tool that turns Google Sheets into blogs and directories (sheetany.com)
3 points by richardbui95 15 hours ago | hide | past | favorite | discuss
Hey everyone, today I want to share a story about my experience building Sheetany.

I’ve always struggled with writing and managing blogs while building products. Every tool I tried felt too complex or time-consuming.

I didn’t want to spend hours learning new software just to get a simple task done. That’s when I realized the need for a solution that’s easy, effective, and familiar.

So, I built Sheetany — a tool that makes writing and managing blogs effortless using just Google Sheets and Google Docs.

But it doesn’t stop there. With Sheetany, you can easily create directories, waitlists, and personal pages, all through the simplicity of Google Sheets.

People often ask me, “Why Google Sheets? Why not use something like Notion, Obsidian, or WordPress?”

The answer is simple: everyone knows how to use Google Sheets. It’s incredibly user-friendly, and there’s no need to learn yet another complicated tool.

With Sheetany, you get the best of both worlds—simplicity and effectiveness. You don’t need to be a coding wizard or a design expert to create professional blogs and websites.

Just use the tools you’re already familiar with and let Sheetany do the rest!

You can try it out here: http://sheetany.com

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