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There are clear trends even acknowledged among the most pro-American analysts that the coming world will see a reversal of good fortunes by many in the world. We are living in a environment propped up by many things that are going away. There are many risks that can contribute to that. Of course if I knew exactly what would happen down to the day, i'd be betting in the stock market so these are more general trends which is what I was referring to.

Poor leaning trends include:

1. The collapse of governments that were pushed to the end by the US and its partners: Pakistan(deposed leader), Iran(sanctions, deposed leader), Venezuela(sanction, attempted to depose leader in 22), and I guess you can now throw Ukraine and possibly Russia there as well(collapsed economy, massive population casualties + collapse level birth rates)

2. The US has essentially acted as a bully towards many countries in the global south and while many of them have had to just take it, they now have another bully (China) that they can play off of each other.

In the short term it will be painful as the US tries to keep people on their side through backhanded efforts (Pakistan, Bolivia) but in the end the countries know that the China is a unreliable ally that only wants to dump their manufacturing overflow and take resources back while the US is an unreliable ally that bullies everyone into positions that favor itself(4 years loudly and then the next 4 years quietly) so with no other hope, the best move to play is trying to extract as much as they can from both sides (Djibouti for example). Not sure if you can make the argument that "unprecedented global peace and prosperity" is coming to these countries, they are just trying to get by with what they can.

3. Lets not forget climate change: Overwhelming % of historical emissions caused mainly by the west and with the consequences to be dealt mainly to the third world. Where is the justice in that?

Why are you so focused on the US? The world is a big place, and everyone has agency.

> Where is the justice in that?

I did not want to make any statement about 'justice'. That's multiple separate topics.

>Why are you so focused on the US? The world is a big place, and everyone has agency.

The post is about the US, the thread is about the US and the message I originally replied to was about the US....

If you are talking more generally, I am baffled as to why you would ask that. The US's actions are reducing/removing free agency for a significant percentage of people on the planet. I am pro-humanity. Those people are no less deserving of all the possibilities that life has to offer but just as importantly, they deserve every chance to improve their lot. Since we have concrete proof that the US has acted to cause problems in other countries, they will be criticized.

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