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Unfortunately XML signatures are also widely used in Polish government APIs which citizens/companies are required to use :(

Same here in Kazakhstan. And we also use our home-made crypto algorithms (derived from USSR GOST), which are not present in popular open source libraries.

Are those different from Russian GOST algorithms? I think there’s a bunch of libraries (mostly forks of other popular open source libraries) for that.

I don't really know, sorry. We have our own identifiers for algorithms like СТ РК ГОСТ Р 34.10-2015, СТ РК ГОСТ Р 34.11-2015 and our local company (nitec.kz) creates SDK which includes implementations of those algorithms for Java and OpenSSL.

Whether they copied those algorithms from Russian ones, I don't know, never researched that.

Same in Sweden and Denmark, several gov't systems requiring signed XMLs. And before you think legacy systems, no, these are the new systems, with rollout starting a few years ago and still ongoing.

That's essentially true for all of EU. If you've ever done integration with EU central services you know what I'm talking about.

Makes sense, the EU favors architecture astronauts over profitable technology.

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