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I was scripting on a windows machine which didn’t have WSL setup and decided to learn PowerShell. After a week or so of scripting with PowerShell and seeing how intuitive and robust the syntax is, something changed in my brain and I decided I never again wanted to deal with bash and its endless quirks and brittleness. It’s unnatural to have to wrap every variable access with “${}”, that unnatural key sequence always caused a break in my flow. Anyway I reach for Python sooner and really hunger for a clean, robust nix shell. I hope powershell has instilled this in many people and it drives adoption of something better

I have tried to do the same, but i have opposite experience. I just can't grok the syntax, it always seems like a magician pulling out another "Haha! I bet you haven't seen this one coming !"

Like, i can't even construct the abstract model of how it's supposed to work

Would you be able to provide an example? I'm not doubting your experience, just incredibly curious since I had the opposite experience.

Sure thing :

$env::Path (the semicolon? so Path is not quoted here? But when I assign a value it's quoted?)

Dir -r | %($_.Name.ToLower) ( what is this? statement dreamed by utterly deranged)

They took us for absolute fools

I mean you don't need to use the convenience aliases, or use even use it exactly that way. Here's it without any aliases:

Get-ChildItem -Recurse | ForEach-Object { $PSItem.Name.ToLower() }

This might be a better mix of both worlds:

gci -r | foreach { $PSItem.Name.ToLower() }

I'm even a windows .NET developer and I also find Powershell extremely weird. I'm not sure what it is.

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