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1. It's fun. Playing with these technologies is entertaining and will learn you some good stuff about the networking and the encryption and what not.

2. Tor allows reception of unsolicited TCP/IPv4 traffic if you are behind a NAT you can't open ports for, because your connection to the network is initiated on your side. This is nice, especially with increasing prevalence of CGNAT.

3. Something my niece stated when I talked to her about it, who I disagree with: Many countries have a notion of upstanding citizen enforced by well funded and maintained violence-monopoly actors (R) that are not equivalent to what the majority of citizens actually do (S). R minus S is T - the tolerance gap. Things that allow T to exist include lack of will to prosecute, general social acceptance of things that were not acceptable years ago, etc. All things that are quite mutable. If your activities fall into T, privacy-enforcement tech benefits you if R and S might change in the future.

FWIW I am firmly in the "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear" camp and I looked at her funny when she said this. Maybe she is a criminal or just crazy, idk.

Your niece's reasoning sounds excellent to me, I am pleased you have included it.

I'd like to place a camera in every room of your house and stream them on my website. Surely you won't mind because you have nothing to hide. Right?

You believe you have "nothing to hide" from 1. your own government, 2. the government of a nation you happen to be visiting or communicating with, 3. corporations who slurp up and sell personal data, 4. organized crime, 5. con artists and phishers looking for an easy mark, 6. people who personally want to harm you or exploit you, 7. people who want to harm others in your life and would use you as a means to do so, 8. people who want to harm your race/gender/religion/etc and identified you as a member of their targeted group.


End-to-end encryption technologies (of which TOR is one) help prevent entire categories of attacks which would otherwise be available to all of those groups, to use against you and others.

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