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I've worked in academia. I've worked in small, medium and large private companies and fortune 50 companies, and I've worked for small and large govt.

I have yet to see anything bigger than a small company run efficiently, and that's by necessity more than anything. The largest wastes of money I've seen were fortune 50/large enterprise companies yet people constantly point to gov and academia as the most wasteful.

My current job is a cycle of hype waves the executives and ceo buy into and oversell to customers in impossible timelines, the inevitable smack of reality when neither CEO nor customers are happy with the over-promised and under-delivered results, and the move to the next wave to capture more customers to replace the ones attriting because the result doesn't match the requirements despite waht they were told.

The actual users of our product seem to split fairly evenly on love or hate our products with good reasons while their executives and spending managers are almost comically willing to fork over more money over for little to no real benefits. There is very much "No one was fired for buying IBM" mentality in the corporate world, this seems like another example.

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