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Take a look at the list of people who read the draft of this post.

> Thanks to Sam Altman, David Greenspan, Aaron Iba, Jessica Livingston, Robert Morris, Peter Norvig, Lisa Randall, Emmett Shear, Sergei Tsarev, and Stephen Wolfram for reading drafts of this.

I’m always amazed at the impressive list of people pg gets to review his essays. His recent essay “Founder mode” was no exception.

People who are famous for running companies and not writing code.

Robert Morris, Peter Norvig and Stephen Wolfram didn't write code?

(I don't recognize some of the others.)

Is that what they're famous for or even what they've dedicated most of their time to? From looking at their histories I would not describe them as "coders." Let alone presume that they have anything to offer anyone doing the same in a modern context.

"Keep the whole program in your head?"

Cool advice for small greenfield projects that you can sell to unsophisticated companies and then move on. Interesting that it comes from an investing firm that makes this precise activity it's core business and reviewed by people who are in a position to directly benefit from this.

This is all terrible advice if you want to actually contribute to or work on anything significant in your life.

yes, writing code is what all three of them are most famous for. especially writing code for vast, significant projects spanning decades, in a way that contributes to something significant. your criticism could hardly be further off target. you dismiss their knowledge at your peril

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