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Nah, Redis users would just keep using the last free version. Probably many of them will do that anyway because they missed the memo about Valkey. Like the poor people still using OpenOffice.

I have a few containers on the last OSS Elasticsearch version, and everybody uses the last filesystem-transparent Minio version. I am not sure why you are being downvoted, this is not a good plan but definitely happens in practice.

I only recently discovered minio and started using it for a project. What are you referring to by “last file system-transparent Minio version” for my own awareness?

Minio used to have a filesystem backend that would store each file as a file on the local filesystem. They removed this, so lots of people still use the last version before that.


> I am not sure why you are being downvoted, this is not a good plan but definitely happens in practice.

I guess this is more okay when the dated versions are not exposed publicly but are backing services, but in general it might be a question of time until some CVE puts you at risk or there's a bug that will never be fixed.

I like the idea of having "feature complete" software that you can use from now until the end of time (or at least the end of whatever product you're working on), I just don't think this is always feasible with the way we develop software.

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