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Try taking the matter into their own hands by bringing the illegal west bank settlers to trial. Tried that yet?

Has Israel tried removing themselves from lands they are illegally occupying?

Has Israel tried not constantly lobbing missiles and rockets at Lebanon? (yes, I know Hezbollah had launched many rockets at territories Israel are illegally occupying, something like 1/4 of the number Israel has launched).

Has Israel tried not dropping leaflets on Lebanese civilians, demanding they leave so Israel can steal their homes and land?

Has Israel even tried stopping harassing the Lebanese population with sonic booms and armed drones?

AFAICT the only thing Israel actually has tried, is more of the above.

idk about that. I picked an exemplary news story predating the Oct 7 attacks.


Not really...

The Unpunished: How Extremists Took Over Israel https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/16/magazine/israel-west-bank...

Hezbollah launched a war against Israel 12 months ago. Why is it suddenly an issue for you when they get hit back? Is it only a problem when Israel fights back?

Stop launching rockets at Israel, comply with UN Resolution 1701, and the conflict is over. Why are you overcomplicating this?

It's rude to completely ignore the very reasonable argument someone brought up. The illegality of the West Bank settlements is not a new issue and long predates the latest round of military conflict.

Whataboutism. Hezbollah's bad behavior doesnt excuse the illegality of Israeli settlements. Stop trying to distract from the point at hand.

You accuse me of whataboutism in a post about communication devices blowing up in Lebanon, where you yourself shift the blame on Israel because of the conflict with the Palestinians and settlers… you’re the only person shifting topics and using whataboutism so long…

Hardly. I was offering ways that Israel could have taken preventative measures to "take things into their own hands."

Nothing else worked for what? What is the policy goal being pursued with this attack?

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