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Would be fun to do "smart clays" -- I wonder if you could make a clay which just shifted weights to affect flight path, something cheaper thna a full drone. Or you could fly a $300-500 non-expendable but not-end-of-the-world-if-hit drone trailing a target on a long tether, with no-shoot above a certain angle to keep the drones themselves mostly safe?

(and yeah, I have an M4 and 3 Turkish knockoff M4s (1 great out of the box, one I fixed up, one which doesn't love to eject but I can probably fix), and the 2 x 1301s I own are better.)

For me it’s large I’m not a small guy and the grip on the m4 is just big in my hands, then manipulating the safety is tough. At least the Turkish clones are cheap!

> Or you could fly a $300-500 non-expendable but not-end-of-the-world-if-hit drone trailing a target on a long tether, with no-shoot above a certain angle to keep the drones themselves mostly safe?

I had considered that. I’ll try hanging something off an avata2 but my concern will definitely be that I’ll need some rigid structure to land and take off. If the line is too close I think I could suck it up into the props

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