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Show HN: Free AI tailored workout generator (workoutgenerator.fit)
8 points by ggay 1 day ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

Even though I'm 120 years old and weigh 1000kg it just wanted me to do a few dips and lunges and download their app.

It's really not great on nearly every conveivable level. I'm sorry but there's very little constructive to pass on here. It worked once, gave very generic and potentially even harmful exercise advice, and then stopped working.

Man nice idea but execution a bit shit tbh

The program it generated for me is quite bad. Lots of best practices (starting with bigger muscle first) aren't followed. And there's no way to pick the type of exercise you like (compound, kettlebells, etc). On top of that the response contains lots of jargon that isn't needed.

Decided to spend 10 minutes to create a better one: https://chatgpt.com/g/g-L6EVvA7nM-workoutpt

Hey, thanks for the feedback. I can for sure add a field for the type of exercises and try to improve the output quality. I like the custom GPT, it would be nice to connect it to an API

What the font! Can't even read it for 5 seconds :(

Same here. I think normally I'd move on, but because it's a Show HN and it got some attention I'm forcing myself.

I wanted to check out what it outputs, but I have to enter an email address for the workout to be generated.

This kills the tool for me.

You can just enter anything in the email field. I don't know why they bothered requiring it.

Hey, it's because the workout can be visible in the app without onboarding if you register with the same email address

I once asked ChatGPT to create a marathon training plan and it told me to run 10 intervals at a 4min/mile pace in my first week.

I'm sure this better...

If you don't specify your level, for sure the output will be bad

Doesn't work for me

Is this just a ChatGPT wrapper anyway? Where's the value?

The value is that the generated program is then accessible in the app, so you can use it at the gym for example. I admit it might not be explicit enough

I would worry about rate-limiting and API costs :/

Can tomorrow be my turn to post a poorly designed interface whose "backend" boils down to connecting to OpenAI?

didn't work

what happened?

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