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Code is only copyrightable if it has any element of creativity.

This repo is _only_ really 7 sentences, like "Please correct spelling mistakes in the following text: " (these https://github.com/zlwaterfield/scramble/blob/2c1d9ebbd6b935...)

Everything else is uncreative, and possibly un-copyrightable, boilerplate to send those sentences to OpenAI.

All of the creative software happens on OpenAI's servers using proprietary code.

Why would you even say 'please' in a prompt ?

There has been evidence that better responses are sometimes provided with politeness for some LLMs.

And some people just try to be polite and it only costs a couple tokens.

I use to say please/thank you to gpt4 in 2023 all the time but it was because I was completely anthropomorphizing the model in various ways.

I suspect it would be just as easy to write a paper that saying please has absolutely no effect on the output. I feel like gpt4 is/was stochastically better on some days and at some hours than others. That might even be wrong though too. The idea that it is provable that "please" has a positive effect on the output is most likely a ridiculous idea.

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