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They're not large contributors to eu finance: 10th and 5th, respectively https://www.statista.com/statistics/316691/eu-budget-contrib...

France and Germany account for nearly 50% of the funding.

Perhaps the infograph I saw was per capita?

Yeah -- Ireland and Netherlands are both top contributors on a per capita basis. Though this was only accelerated recently i.e. the 2023 budget not the 2021 budget. Ireland on many occasions has be a net recipient before this while the Dutch have a longer history of being a net contributor.


Perhaps you're mistaken?

Nah; Ireland's the biggest per capita contributor, and the Netherlands is fourth (after Luxembourg and Belgium).

(Not sure what's going on with Belgium; Ireland, Luxembourg and to some extent the Netherlands have rather inflated GDPs, which drives up contribution amounts, but Belgium's isn't particularly high.)

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