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> She, on the other hand, was completely relaxed -- she spent her days working with Nobel prize winners and loads of other people for whom she had no doubt were smarter than her. Being confronted with loads of people smarter than her was a daily experience.

I'm a college dropout who has managed to work professionally, in software, in RF / embedded development, medical robotics, all over the web, and most recently in AAA games. I've called PhDs colleagues, people with multiple Masters, people with decades of industry experience at the top of their fields...

I always feel like the odd-man out, and, while it used to bother me a bit, I'm pretty content with the fact that I probably always will. I frequently feel like I'm inferior to my colleagues, because of the sheer depth of their knowledge as it relates to whatever the particular domain is.

But I have the sense that I'm doing something right because I get great reviews, I frequently find moments where I can teach my colleagues something they didn't know, and they come to me for help, advice, and say good things about me (and vice versa).

But it is still a very odd feeling and I think it'll be with me for however long I work in this industry.

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