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It is a pretty important aspect of Latter Day Saint theology. They still do it but officially you can only baptize your own family members with the permission of surviving family members. These guidelines are not always followed. Additionally they have said they removed people from their rosters that were improperly baptized but the members I have talked with are skeptical and found it a bit laughable that the church removing a name from a database would somehow undo a sacred ritual.

On the topic of laughability, I would propose that "invoking a dead stranger's name in a self-significant ritual" is absurd to do, and also absurd to be offended by.

I hereby grant permission for my name to be invoked in all rituals, sacred and profane, by all current and future living persons. And I'll laugh at you in advance.

Que sera, sera

Whatever will be, will be

The future's not ours to see

Que sera, sera

I'll be recommending this for page one of the hymnal.

And so it begins..

When I remove records from databases I follow the sacred ritual of BEGIN TRANSACTION…COMMIT;

That's one good case where it would be the moral thing to name a kid Robert'); DROP TABLE Baptized;--

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