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I wasn't involved in the process at all but I saw the creation of this video. I just want to say that I was mind-blown how much work these KRAZAM puts into their videos. Just the mural on the whiteboard took them multiple hours - and, that's for a few seconds of the video. Unbelievable how much love is put into something. And, it sounds weird but really touching to see creatives do something that they truly love.

I loved the Tree of Life reference, I want something like that printed out and put it next to my highly effective pyramid of success.

hunting for easter eggs, I found that https://www.saasiroth.com is an actual site and it contains the full manifesto. crazy.

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Surely you mean the Conjoined Triangles of Success?

> Just the mural on the whiteboard took them multiple hours - and, that's for a few seconds of the video

This is the absolute funniest few seconds though, the mural combined with the way it was shot and the classic BWOOOOOOMP soundtrack in the background actually had me crying laughing. it’s so good

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