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Yeah, I had a similar sentiment as I read the last sentence: "You're not the best at everything, and you don't have to be."

It really does get harder to internalize this when it starts to involve real, tangible outcomes like money and job security. No one would reasonably argue that what she said wasn't true on some spiritual or personal level, but it feels like a nothing-burger when people are clearly in a competitive environment, a competitive program, a competitive job, etc.

It might feel that way, but I think it's really worth asking : is it?

If I put humility aside for a moment, I'm awfully good in my field, and academia is hyper competitive, and yet I know people who are better at everything that I do -- and just like the secretary in that example, I know some people who I think could do everything that I can better than I do.

But that really is okay, the world has room for all of us and more, and is much better off for having several of us applying our skills and abilities. We are not short on important problems to solve, we are short on solutions and solvers!

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