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Yes but you can't demote the stress element because the remuneration element is larger. They're not dependent variables at the point the stress is felt.

Stress isn't less stressful just because you get to take a holiday afterwards. A broken leg doesn't hurt less when you break it because you have health insurance.

Sure,the duration of the stress may differ, but that's a different variable too.

Can a millionaire experience the same or higher levels of stress than a cashier? Absolutely. Can a cashier and millionaire be in a position of high, inescapable stress for prolonged periods? Yes.

Stop comparing relative hardship based on your own bias... Unless you promise to never complain about anything you eat or drink ever again because of "starving African children"

>Yes but you can't demote the stress element because the remuneration element is larger. They're not dependent variables at the point the stress is felt.

GP just explained how, though. Higher remuneration = eventual recovery period. Focusing on the stress is only human, so you can't be faulted for that, but considering the comparative situations holistically, it is objectively more advantageous to get paid more for similarly, or perhaps even more, stressful situations.

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