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>Are smartphones, for example, also vulnerable to it?

Yes if Israeli intelligence gets their hands on your smartphone (probably before you buy it) and installs an explosive and a software-hardware back door.

even that is not far fetched. This is a typical supply chain attack.

I never said it was far fetched.

I've seen laptop and phone batteries explode with significant force on YouTube. It's called thermal runaway.

As much as I'd love to believe this couldn't happen without physical tampering, I see no good reason to.

They usuall burst with fire. You'd have to have hardshell battery with no venting, and likely no protection circuit, and a way to cause sustained load on the battery, without the user noticing the heat first. Eh.

A short on a battery with protection circuit installed basically does absolutely nothing to the battery.

I'm yet to see a video with fire and a lot of smoke at minimum.

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