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> Eliminating 2 hours a day of driving and train rides left me with more energy I can expend on my work! Who'da thunk it?

I think I saw it mentioned in an old HN thread once, but I'd like to see a study between the WFH desire and its relationship with (a) commute times, and (b) commuting method: walking, cycling, driving, urban transit, commuter rail, etc.

If your commute was a 15-30 minute (one-way) bicycle ride, how different would you feel about going into the office more often?

I live in Wisconsin, so 30-60 minutes of cycling year-round is a non-starter. I'd much rather take public transit, since then I can read a book or daydream.

> I live in Wisconsin, so 30-60 minutes of cycling year-round is a non-starter.

I live in Toronto, Canada, and in the Before Times (pre-COVID) I cycled to work everyday from March to December (rain or shine, as long as the streets were clear).

See perhaps the video "Why Canadians Can't Bike in the Winter (but Finnish people can)":

* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uhx-26GfCBU

Also the Oh The Urbanity! channel, a couple who live in Ottawa/Montreal:

* https://www.youtube.com/@OhTheUrbanity/search?query=winter

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