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What philosophical truths?

I've known people that 'do nothing'. The modern day equivalent of that is the pot head. It's a lot easier to do nothing when you're stoned. The other alternative is the basement dweller kid of a well to do couple that just spends his day playing video games. Due to his parent's hard work (or luck), he can probably afford to do so for the rest of his life. But still seems depressing to me to think about.

If you're playing video games you're literally not doing nothing. The point is to give yourself time to reflect and breathe. If you're stoned and that makes it easy to meditate for ages, you could probably count that as doing nothing. Although you should probably worry if you simply cannot sit still for any significant amount of time without being stoned. But yeah if you're getting stoned and like watching movies and stuffing your face then you're not doing nothing.

But that kid in your example isn't doing _nothing_, they are playing video games. That is entirely different from consciously pausing and doing nothing.

That kid is doing nothing with their life, there’s a difference between that and a nornal persob’s downtime that makes sure we don’t task out with some goal that feels like doing nothing but it’s got some agenda: no planned activity!

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