I wonder about if lot of these were ever considered valuable. To buy yes, and then kept around for a bit as it costed money, but after certain time as valuable? Very likely not. Pruning collections is normal process and something like encyclopaedia never truly had much second hand value.
You buy a book, and you read it one time and then after it has been sitting in yourself filling up for years maybe you decide just to get rid of it. I have shelf full of books I will likely not read and by parents have book cases I think they have not touched during my lifetime... At some point some of this collection is discarded and "donating" feels cleanest way.
You buy a book, and you read it one time and then after it has been sitting in yourself filling up for years maybe you decide just to get rid of it. I have shelf full of books I will likely not read and by parents have book cases I think they have not touched during my lifetime... At some point some of this collection is discarded and "donating" feels cleanest way.