Nice if you can convince people that 1) putting yourself into time-poverty to earn more money is not the right thing to do, and 2) fragile fruits should be available mostly when they're in season somewhere within a few hundred km of your location.
(I'm not disagreeing with either point btw, I think it's a better way to live, but good luck convincing the wider populous).
One's idea of "time-poverty" is another's idea of "doing things with a higher purpose".
We live in a world where we simultaneously (a) can do basically anything with a glass rectangle in our pockets and (b) do not stop feeling a sense of boredom and dread. Re-learning how to do some things that take time and do not satisfy our immediate sense of gratification would be a good thing.
(I'm not disagreeing with either point btw, I think it's a better way to live, but good luck convincing the wider populous).