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Mini-lm is a better embedding model. This model does not perform attention calculations, or use a deep learning framework after training. You won’t get the contextual benefits of transformer models in this one.

It’s not meant to be a state of the art model though. I’ve put in pretty limiting constraints in order to keep dependencies, size and hardware requirements low, and speed high.

Even for a word embedding model it’s quite lightweight, as those have much larger vocabularies are are typically a few gigabytes.

Which do use attention? Any recommendations?

Depends immensely on use case — what are your compute limitations? are you fine with remote code? are you doing symmetric or asymmetric retrieval? do you need support in one language or many languages? do you need to work on just text or (audio, video, image)? are you working in a specific domain?

A lot of people wind up using models based purely on one or two benchmarks and wind up viewing embedding based projects as a failure.

If you do answer some of those I’d be happy to give my anecdotal feedback :)

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. I was speaking about utility models/libraries to compute things like meaning similarity with not just token embeddings but with attention too. I’m really interested in finding a good utility that leverages the transformer to compute “meaning similarity” between two texts.

Most current models are transformer encoders that use attention. I like most of the options that ollama provides.

I think this one is currently the top of the MTEB leaderboard, but large dimension vectors and a multi billion parameter model: https://huggingface.co/nvidia/NV-Embed-v1

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