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QLD Gov. promises to make 50¢ public transport permanent if re-elected (abc.net.au)
2 points by defrost 5 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

80% of the cost of public transport is subsidy anyway. The charge to end users is ritualised economic theory wars. A Brisbane resident I welcomed this change. Bus patronage has gone up. Regrettably I doubt average road congestion will drop because .. different ritualised economic theory.

public transport must be the least efficient then...a 2km ticket will cost me $4(Sydney), you say 80% is subsidized, so the cost of public transport in this case is $10/km...what are they using, rocket fuel?

What's the subsidy in Sydney?

about 80% as well[^]

> When you tap on and off your Opal card, that is only less than a quarter of the cost of running transport services

[^] https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-09-19/nsw-sydney-trains-nsw...

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