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>In much the same way the internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it

I think this is an outdated meme that has not proven very true. I won't go into a full rant unless you want, but long story short the architecture of the internet has turned out to be more fragile than expected.

>Society views the fascistic impulses of those in control stifling innovation and growth as damage

Maybe not society as a whole, but certainly sub-societies do, so yes. In this case, Lazarus group is a sub-society that is parasitic to society at large.

What do you mean?

The internet has successfully resisted multiple government-sponsored PSYOPs and allowed the formation of a revolution to fix society from its current trend towards fascism, unifying the liberation movement across continents — which I would argue is working far beyond expectations.

(Ed: I’d genuinely like to hear the rant, even as a tangent.)

> Maybe not society as a whole, but certainly sub-societies do, so yes.

All of society does.

Which is why regulation (and oppression) needs to be focused to be effective: if you want to suppress Lazarus group you can’t catch too many strays or you build up enough societal counter-pressure your regulation is subverted.

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