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Yeah. The unstructured data is a massive PITA.

I’m not opposed to the cloud. I run my current (non-HIPAA) project on Render, and it is really convenient. But, I also run a number of things on VPSs, and they aren’t difficult at all other than the up-front friction. They have been rock solid for us. I think it’s mostly a function of how simple we keep our setup. The cloud is certainly more convenient when managing a big team with lots of dynamic allocations of resources. But, VPSs (which some consider to be then cloud), and physical servers get more shade than I think they deserve.

You can go really far as a business on a single physical server and with a second backup server. With a bit of care, deployments can be simple and reliable, too.

> I’m not opposed to the cloud. I run my current (non-HIPAA) project on Render, and it is really convenient. But, I also run a number of things on VPSs, and they aren’t difficult at all other than the up-front friction. They have been rock solid for us. I think it’s mostly a function of how simple we keep our setup. The cloud is certainly more convenient when managing a big team with lots of dynamic allocations of resources. But, VPSs (which some consider to be then cloud), and physical servers get more shade than I think they deserve.

I need to remember most people aren't as bad as I am on the infra side of things.

> You can go really far as a business on a single physical server and with a second backup server. With a bit of care, deployments can be simple and reliable, too.

You're right. A lot of what pushed me towards the cloud was that I wasn't building a single app. It was a collection of small, line of business type of stuff + an in progress EMR + a ton of Office 365 integration so it always made sense to go straight for Azure. As well as just not having the experience it sounds like you do.

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