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This is an experimental game. CCP inc. is owned by a venture capital firm Pearl Abyss, and are occasionally funded a moonshot game here or there.

tl:dr: I'm an EvE Online Veteran of many years having participated in many game-defining events from a variety of levels. I think this game has a near-zero chance of surviving, but maybe the contract language will be interesting enough to generate some interest.

EvE Online gameplay is defined more by an interaction of social, economic, organizational and strategic interactions than a particular gameplay loop. This is kind of unusual in my opinion and as a result CCP inc. is not very good at creating the kinds of arcade or MOBA experiences that people are used to.

From my position it looks like CCP inc. is kind-of sort-of trying to create a game with aspects of Second Life, and the "hardcore" feel of EvE Online or its sister company's property, Black Desert Online.

One of the reasons I can see that a "blockchain" "smart contract" might make sense is that CCP inc. prioritizes interoperability and third-party functionality. For example, we have an Official MS Excel Plugin. they are quite serious, with very fine grained APIs and players have many, many complex software suites ranging from mapping, (GIS), communications, organizations (SAP-alike systems) forecasting suites, analysis, intelligence gathering, it is endless.

There have been many issues with the maintenance and interoperability of these APIs, so its possible that they see the blockchain smart-contract as a way that they can enable a similarly vibrant third-party development community around another game in a way that will put people who are interested in doing so in a first-class position, being integrated directly in the game.

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